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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Less Choice and More Authority

I spent a lot of today pondering over people's desire for Curators / Editors (companies, people, websites, shops). These brands help people navigate the sea of choice that is out there. The thing is you see, people want less choice, not more. It's just that the choices they want to have are between a few good things, rather than lots of mediocre things. What would you rather have, 30 varieties of chocolate cookies or simply the best fresh cookies that taste just like Mom made them?

Allied to that I read today about brands that are taking a more authoritarian line. You know, rather than simply empowering you to confuse yourself, they actually tell you what to do. Think about the Supernanny or Queer Eye for the Straight guy. So the future is, less choice and more being told what to do... great.

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